Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Streetz of Philadelphia

About a year ago today I began to share myself with you all concerning the state of things in Washington as I saw it. My biggest issue was with the homelessness epidemic that I witnessed in the nation’s capitol when I was living there. I am sure that the issue facing displaced American citizens hasn’t gotten any better overtime; and that the disposition of American politicians is still as apathetic as it was when I left.Well on this pseudo anniversary of the blog that was borne of my frustration with my own unemployment while living in Washington,coupled with my frustration with the epidemic facing displaced Washingtonians I am delighted to tell you that I am one step closer to being in a position to do something about that state of things on the streets of my hometown Philadelphia. Since my return to the city I have called home since I was a child I have allied with a beautiful organization called Broad Street Ministries. It is a departure from the Salvation Army in that they are significantly smaller (a good thing), and their commitment to the homelessness epidemic in Philadelphia is like nothing that I have ever seen in my life. You may notice that I am using the word epidemic and not ‘problem.’ and this is only because it doesn’t seem to be a problem for the dozens of Philadelphians (Americans) that walk by them on a daily basis. I would give more often or direct them to 315 S. Broad, as for the personal donations I am an inch from being with them and as Hovito says “how can I help if I am one of them.”

But the truth is I loving being associated with them as an organization not because it makes me feel good about myself knowing that I did something, but as a human in this existence it’s my obligation to ‘do my part.’ I use the term conviction loosely, but I wish most people felt as compelled as I do to do more to help people in dire straights. Then perhaps we wouldn’t have to be so afraid of buzz words like socialism. There is an instance in the book of Genises where God is leading Jacob to the Isreal, and he falls asleep on a rock, during his slumber he looks up to see minions of angels ascending and descending a ladder. So next time you are walking past a man or woman in the streets who has made a mattress with all their earthly possessions. You can be a personal angel to them, I am not mandating that you make a personal donation. But at least don’t look on them with disgust. Just because you look around and see no trees, look up and don’t see any stars does not mean He/She [The Creator] isn’t present. Having witnessed the miracle of the stars in the sky as night on full display for all of humanity to see; it’s truly a testament of creation. It’s as if creation is winking at us.
* I in no way mean to shun the Salvation Army as an organization; its just a simple comparison. I love and appreciate the work they do in teh communities the place themselves in.

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