Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The WHYTE White

I am a big fan of a writer named Donald Miller, he is a contemnporary writer of "christain lit." Why do I like his books, well because teh first book of his I ever read was clled Blue Like Jazz, the prose was very hypnotizing, it pulls you in from the very begining, I once was so entranced by the pages of Miller , that while on the DC metro heading downtown, I missed my stop by two stops.

In any case I love Miller, and almost anything he touches. So after I digested Blue Like Jazz, I went to Amazon.com and bought another called Through Painted Deserts. In it Miller and a high school friend travel from Texas to Oregon in a VW Van ( you know the ones from the 60s and hippe drove em all the time). In one chapter he kinda of creates a duality, calling some in the world "why people" and others "how" people. How people he defined by the goals in thier life, and how they led thier life. These people could be mistaken or pegged as materialistic, but they wanted to know how to get from point A to B (wiether it be buying a house getting married, or getting a promotion) . On the other hand why people can be precieved as the more philosphical aesetic. Miller identigied himself as a why person. Why people, ate more apt to ask questions, and wonder well WHY ! guess. ANd I guess by default I am a why indivual simply becauas eI was reading this book (and most all Miller books except Searching For God Knows What). And I guess not only is thet that the mission of this page, but for me in this life and the next. and if you are a HOW person and reading this page I hope you can slow down, and ask why. Pull over into the shoulder from the rat race that life can be and just ask WHY. Questions and Comments are welcome. And if I offend anyone's religous sensibilities, it is not intentional. This forum isn't ment to provoke anger, but questions and dialogue.

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