Friday, July 29, 2011

The Urge to Snap

Today(29 JUL 11) while in downtown Pittsburgh i saw an outspoken catholic gentleman w/ a life-size crucifix hanging across his chest; holding a huge sign that read something to the effect " America Kills Babies" in huge print. Conjuring images of Wesboro Baptist Church I could only smile as I tried my best to shroud my discomfort with the confrontation unreaveling around me. A woman stopped at a traffic light begins to scream and rent back at this man who was addressing the general public; informing us of the ills of planned parenthood and how it was the single cause of our country's decline. At one point the woman in the car is screaming at him "you're not a Christian!" Now you maybe asking yourself so what is the take away here Bikim? Well for one this was a first for me; being a Philadelphia native a heretic like this would've been ignored on the streets or in any other public place. But put quite simply it was pure culture shock to me. I was kind of glad to see someone challenging this man who was bullying everyone within ear shoot of him.

I don't have really have anything to offer in the way of biblical commentary other than the architects of the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights were indeed men of God but at a bare minimum I would call them deist. And that abortion and the life of an unborn fetus aren't issues that were at the forefront of their minds and i do not think that it should be at the forefront of ours either. I will offer you this in the true spirit of those premature lives crushed before their existence could even began.....

"How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers." 
 Mother Teresa

Now I am neither pro-life or pro- choice but I takes these sorts of things on a case by case basis; it just so happens that my government has an open policy on this specific procedure. I can't imagine to know what it is like to carry a life inside of me, but I know what irresponsibility looks like. And I can say that those who engage in acts that have the potential to produce life and snuff out the natural repercussions of their union should consciously reconsider their options, and where what they have done has left them.

With all the financial decline occurring here in America, and the rash financial markets are leaving across Europe, I feel like the most dilapidated unit in the whole of america as far as I can see is the family unit. I can almost guarantee I am not in agreement with my demented brother on that Pittsburgh corner, I will offer you that tears in the 'so called american fabric' can be linked to fractures that exist in the modern american family. To illustrate the staggering number of single mothers and divorce rate. Obviously single mothers aren't running to abortion clinics- and I have always said that single mothers are my personal heroes because they do it all alone, and play the role of two parents while (somehow) maintaining their sanity. In summation let me be clear, I have nothing against a woman's right to choose.

For now that is all I have...

Love + Peace

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